Manchester based male escort and professional dominant
I get asked a lot what a particular fetish term, such as 'watersports' for example, means, or to what level I can provide that service. For that reason, I've created this directory of services which often come up. It's a nice, easy way to learn a little more about BDSM and alternative sexual practices.
If you want to read what an activity means, click the activity and it will open to give you more, basic info.
I offer all of the services listed on this page, unless the description box says otherwise. To build a session manually, let me know what you're interested in from below and we can go from there. Or, if you need more ideas, you can check out my 'Ideas' page for a menu style range of options.
- Suspect Voyeur
- spanking65
- Letslust
- dazzoh11
- Kayleigh
- JandK